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Annual Memorial Book


Temple Beth Sholom

Smithtown, NY

Annual Memorial Book

2023 – 2024

5783 - 5784



   Following the practice observed by most Conservative congregations, our Temple Beth Sholom leadership has approved the preparation in printed form, of the enclosed memorial names to be distributed to our worshippers before the High Holy Days and Festival “Yizkor” services.

     It is with the avowed purpose of enhancing our religious services that we once again offer this brochure, “The Annual Memorial Book” for the year 5783.  We confidently trust that it will be kindly received in that spirit.

Gary M. Klein D.D.S.



Jonathan Waxman..................................Rabbi




Gary M. Klein D.D.S.

Vice President

Richard J. Firestone D.D.S.

Recording Secretary

Paul Taub

Financial Team &

Immediate Past Presidents

Glenda Smith & Steve Wunderlich

Board of Trustees

David Friedman

Cheryl & Michael Krome

Jerry Pashkin


“To Love the Lord, That is Our Life And the Length of Our Days”


   In this Memorial Book are the names of our loved ones, whom we remember this day with heartfelt affection and unforgettable devotion.  They have achieved immortality in the lengthened shadows of our House of God. Through the spiritual strength and creative Jewish influences of Temple Beth Sholom, we are assured of the underlying qualities of the people of Israel and our imperishable heritage -- the faith of Israel. Yizkor should be observed on the evening of the anniversary of the death of the deceased and at synagogue worship.


      It is customary on the anniversary to offer a contribution to the Temple in memory of your dearly departed.

Yom Kippur.........Monday, Sept. 24, 2023

Shemini Atzeret....Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024

Passover..............Monday, April 22, 2024

Shavuot................Tuesday, June 11, 2024


    In this solemn hour we recall this day our dear departed whose names have been permanently affixed on our Memorial Wall. They shall ever be gratefully honored by us and eternally enshrined in our hearts and minds. We pray Thee O God for the peace of their souls and for comfort to those who mourn their passing.  Let us now in silence contemplate their memories, both of those whose names are perpetuated on our Memorial Tablets and the names sent “In Memorium” for this Day of Remembrance.

    • Memorial Tablets
    • Tree of Life
    • Dedicated Sanctuary Seats
    • Dedicated Bema Podiums and Doors





REMEMBERED BY Harriet & Jack Ader

Clara & Adolph Ader - Sol & Sylvia Ader - Leo Ader  Elizabeth & Isidore Fishbein

Jennie & Max Fischbein - Natalie & Samuel Fischell  Faye Lambersky

Harold & Miriam Lambersky - Evelyn Danners



Sheila Berg - Murray & Ida Berg - Irving & Frieda Blumenthal - Ilene Winkler


REMEMBERED BY Noreen & Darryl Berger

Ruth and Jerome Berger - Paul Kaufman 

Alan and Jodi Cohn - Edgar Cohn - Elinor Bramson Cohn Froehlich

Ruth M Berger - Jerome H. Berger 

Dr. Shannon Kula- Clark

REMEMBERED BY  Carole & Sheldon Cutler

Anne Cutler - Rebecca and Joseph Friedman  

Esther and Abraham Steinholtz

REMEMBERED BY Dr. Richard & Bina Firestone

Norma Firestone - Harry Feinstein - Frima Feinstein  Stanley Dunitz Dunitz Family  Seidel Family - Dr. Stanley OldakHarry & Jeanette Firestone -

Clara and Irving Dunitz

REMEMBERED BY Marv & Lorraine Fischthal

Harry and Ida Fischthal - Ida Buchman Zarisky  

Sol Zaritsky - Samuel Buchman

Cora Brazinsky - Estelle Dorushkin  

Stuart & Libby Buchman - Frida & Murray Rosenthal


REMEMBERED BY Dr. Michael & Ellen Fishkin

Jean Fiterman - Murray Fiterman  

Barbara Fiterman Chess - Harold Fishkin


REMEMBERED BY David & Rebecca Friedman

Jack Friedman - Irving Young - Jacklyn Friedman

Trudy Brown - Evelyn VivienYoung - Brian Young

Morris Friedman - Rose Friedman - Mildred Novikoff

Marcus Young - Ray Young


REMEMBERED BY Mindy & Anthony Giambalvo

Nancy Gelbien - Rose Gross - Abe Gross - Anna Gelbien  Joseph Gelbien - Meyer Gelbein

REMEMBERED BY Milly & Glenn Goldfarb

Herbert Goldfarb - Eugene Segarnick - Sylvia Segarnick

Edith & Murray Hilton - Kenny Filkow


REMEMBERED BY Dr. Lorne & Bonny Golub

Edith & Sydney Golub - Rae & Lou Moss - Allan Hilford David Golub - Murray Golub - Earl Simmons



Sidney Hoffman - Tillie Hoffman – Eva - Haymes  

Samuel Haymes - Carl Haymes



Alice Hersh - Laura Hersh - Albert Hersh


REMEMBERED BY The Kigner Family

Max Kigner - Frieda Greenberg - Esther Baum - Boris Baum


REMEMBERED BY Fern & Gary Klein

Norma Firestone - Fannie Klein - Harry Feinstein Irving Klein

Sidney Klein - Marlene Rimler - Sidney Firestone

Bernard Fleischer - Jeanette Firestone - Phillis Hornung


REMEMBERED BY Sheila Konfino

David Burris - Pauline Burris

The Lebowitz Family - Albert Fisher


REMEMBERED BY Cheryl & Michael Krome & Family

Eileen Rice - Alan Krome - Loretta Lewis -Ted Rice




Sandy Platzner - Norma Platzner - Steven Platzner



Linda Lipp - Ira Krakower - Elaine & Joseph Krakower

Stella Kanarek - Bruce Winick - Paula Olsen

Debbie Winick - Michael Lipp


REMEMBERED BY Madarash Family

Edna Jacobi - Menahem Jacobi - Sidney Wolff

Sadie Greenberg - Frank Greenberg - Barton Needle


REMEMBERED BY Enid and Edward Miller

Esther Miller - Arthur William Miller - Howard Adam Miller

Sylvia Miller - Arthur Miller


REMEMBERED BY June & Jerry Pashkin

Regina (Lima) & Walter Wind - Phyllis & Milto Pashkin

Joseph Frisina - Rebecca (Bea) Neushotz

Syde & Jack Riegelhaupt

Family Members & Victims of the Holocaust


REMEMBERED BY Anita Rothfarb

Sidney Rothfarb - Isidore Rothfarb - Tillie Bleier

Abe Bleier - Rebecca Rothfarb - Iris Greenberg


REMEMBERED BY Cantor Alan Rubinstein & Family

David Rubinstein - Craig Rubinstein

Isidore & Clara Schachter - Israel & Mollie Rubinstein

Roslyn Rubinstein


REMEMBERED BY Sidney & Barbara Schaer

Goldie Schaer - Hyman Schaer


REMEMBERED BY Barry & Dahlia Shenkman

Saul Shenkman - Edith Shenkman - Rose Beren

Bernard Beren - Bertha Shenkman - Louis Shenkman

Jacob & Yocheved Liscovitch  

Dr. Saul Zavell - Sarah Zavell


REMEMBERED BY Elyse & Steven Shuster

Joy & Charles Graifer - Marjorie & Paul Shuster


REMEMBERED BY Phyllis Simon & Family 

Jerry Simon - Robert Simon

Arthur & Mollie Hartstein  

Sadie & Bernard Suskowitz - AnnKesnozoff



Myra & Theodore Paul

Augusta & Irving Frank - Etta & Herman Paul


REMEMBERED BY Marilyn Malkin Speight

Lawrence Malkin - Dorothy Malkin

Samuel Malkin - Minnie Edelman


REMEMBERED BY Michael & Jean Stein & Family

Abraham & Martha Stein


REMEMBERED BY Paul & Thelma Taub

Gustav Fishman Rae Fishman - Nathan Taub  

Bella Taub - Hal Taub - Barbara Taub



Rabbi Jonathan Waxman and Sarrae Crane

Rabbi Mordecai & Ruth Waxman

Rabbi Meyer & Sarah Waxman

Reuben Waxman - Chaim & Bertha Bilgrary

Ann Ruth Gartzman Crane - Barbara P. Crane

Dr. Norman B. Crane - Naomi Perlman - Mark Perlman

Dr. N. Harry Gartzman - Sarah & Herman Gartzman

Minnie & Herman Cohen - Lillian G. Shatz

Gerald Gartzman - Sophie Borkan - Bess G. Rothbaum

Harold Gantz



The Weiss Family

Richard H. Watov - Sylvia Watov - Dorris Mines

Jerry Mines - Savta Frieda


REMEMBERED BY Debbie & Steve Wunderlich

Dustin Wunderlich - Jessie Wunderlich - Nat Wunderlich

Magda Gelman - Sam Gelman

Shelli Wunderlich - Steven Friede


REMEMBERED BY Dr. Mark Zuckerman & Family

Oscar Zuckerman - Raymond Zuckerman







  The laws of mourning are observed in the case of the death of certain relatives:  father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister (including half-brother or half-sister).  The Hebrew term for mourning is Avelut, for mourner is Avel.


   The Hebrew term Keriah, rending the garment worn by the mourner, refers to the rite performed before the funeral.  In the case of a parent, the rent is made on the left side over the heart.  In the case of other blood relatives, the rent is made on the right side.  In some Jewish communities, a black ribbon is worn by the Avelim:  it is cut in the manner described above.  It is the outer symbol of a torn and broken heart.  It is obligatory upon both men and women.  As the Keriah is made, the mourner recites the following blessing:

Bo-ruch Atoh Ado-noy Elo-hey-nu Me-lech

Ha-Olom Da-yan Ha-Emes.

“Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King



  Shivah is the Hebrew term meaning seven days of mourning.  It begins immediately after the funeral.  The day of burial is counted as the first day:  it ends on the morning of the seventh day, one hour being regarded as a full day.

When vexing questions concerning traditional Jewish practices arise, consult the Rabbi.  Too frequently well -intentioned members of the family or friends will offer advice that may be based on some superstitious practice or on some local custom which has no authoritative basis in the Jewish law.  Only a very few Jewish mourning practices are brought here, the most general and universal ones.

   Mourners remain in their homes during the weekdays of the SHIVAH, but may attend Synagogue services on Friday evening and Sabbath morning.  They should not transact any business during this period.  Marital relations are forbidden.  Household duties may be done by the mourners for their own use.  Persons compelled to work for others for their maintenance may do so after three days have passed.

   Mourners are supposed to sit on low stools or chairs.  They should wear slippers, traditional symbols of mourning.  They should not take part in any festivity or amusememt during the first thirty days after the death of a relative, during the first twelve months after a parent.

   Covering mirrors in house of mourning is not based on any Jewish law.  Many authorities regard this practice as superstitious.  Others interpret it symbolically saying that it is unseemly to be vain in the presence of death and sorrow.


Whenever one mentions the name of the deceased, it is a beautiful Jewish custom to add the phrase in Hebrew:

O-lovha-sholom, “Peace be upon him!” for a male; and O-leho-ha-sholom, “Peace be upon her!” for a female.




  Mourners should attend services as part of a Minyan (a religious quorum of ten Jewish adults) to recite the

mourner’s Kaddish three times daily, morning, afternoon, and evenings; the afternoon and evening services follow within a few minutes of each other.

   A mourner is supposed to say the Kaddish for a period of eleven months from the date of burial.

   The Kaddish prayer is of ancient but uncertain origin.  It is foreshadowed in the Bible and is mentioned in the writings of ancient teachers and mystics, but it is not mentioned in its entirety in the Bible, Mishna, Talmud or Midrash.  The Kaddish is apparently a prayer which grew gradually from generation to generation until about 700 or 800 C.E.  It aquired the form which is found in our prayer books.


The Kaddish has no reference to death in it.  It expresses man’s glorification of God.  It supplicates God for the coming of His Kingdom upon earth.  It prays for peace upon the House of Israel.  It is Israel’s noblest expression of faith in God and His goodness, said by the mourner in the presence of life’s deepest sorrow--the death of a dear and beloved one.  When we stand before the open, dark grave that swallows what was dearest to us here on earth, Judaism bids us proclaim our faith in the God of Life, in the goodness of Life, in the coming of His Kingdom of justice, truth and peace for all His children.  We exclaim:  “Blessed be the Name of the Lord”.


  Yahrzeit, or Year’s Time, is the anniversary of the death of a dear one.  This name first occurs in a book called Minhagim by Isaac of Tyrnau in the 14th or 15th century.

   Yahrzeit is observed solemnly.  A light should be kindled in the home on the eve of the anniversary of death which is usually reckoned by the Hebrew calendar.  It should remain lighted until sunset the next day.  All amusements and festivities should be avoided.  Every effort should be made to say Kaddish in the synagogue at the three services: evening, morning and afternoon.  Jewish tradition encourages the performance of a Mitzvah, a meritorious deed, on that day, such as:  study a portion of the Torah, act as Baal, Reader of Services, and giving a donation in the memory of the departed to a religious, educational, or philanthropic cause.

   Yahrzeit is reckoned according to the day of interment in the first year.  But in following years it is observed on the day of death.



   Yizkor is the first word of the phrase Yizkor Elohim Nishmat...(“May God remember the soul of......”)  It is a prayer for the repose of the soul of a dear one, recited in Synagogue by a son, daughter or other close relative.   It varies according to the sex and relationship of the person mentioned.

   Yizkor is usually said by relatives on four occasions in the year:  Yom Kippur, the eighth day of Passover, the

second day of Shavout and Shemini Atzeret.  A monetary donation offered with it is usually given to the Synagogue.

   The El Mole Rahamim is recited for the mourners at funerals, at Yahrzeit, and at the time of their visit at the graves of their departed.  It may be offered on Mondays and Thursdays after the reading of the Torah.  And on Yom Kippur and the last days of the Festivals, it is the climatic prayer of the memorial service.


   According to tradition, the Tombstone is erected and dedicated preferably towards the end of the first year of interment.

“May the Almighty comfort you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.”

“The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away!  Blessed be the name of the Lord”





   The synagogue is our spiritual home and the treasure house from which we draw the inspiration and guidance of our forefathers.  As we support its sacred work, we give life to those who preceded us. Testamentary legacies and endowments can be made to honor the departed by serving the living


Elliott T. Spar..........................Rabbi Emeritus

Rebbitzen Sondra Lee Spar



Chauncey Ingram

Dr. Jack Hanover

Dr. Lawrence Karp

Irving Singer

Dr. Kenneth Kronman

Dr. Fred Fischler

Lee W. Phillips

Dr. Marvin Winston

Bernard Kaplan

Donald Berman

Ellen Kranzler

Dr. Albert Trachtenberg

Charles W. Serby


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785